Number Sense & Numeration |
- Review various number systems (whole, integers, fractions & mixed numbers, and decimals) and determining their place value
- Expressing numbers in a written statement, standard, expanded forms, and scientific notation
- Comparing and ordering numbers from the various number systems
- Understanding special number concepts: rounding-off numbers, factors and highest common factors (H.C.F), multiples and lowest common multiples (L.C.M), odd & even number, prime & composite number, composite numbers as products of prime numbers, multiplying and dividing decimals & whole numbers multiples of 10, divisibility by any of the single digit numbers from 1-9, and square roots & perfect squares
- Four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) using the various number systems, as well as exponents
- Order of operations using brackets, exponents, and various numbers systems
- Review concepts related to percentage; working with percentages
- Applying percentages to everyday situations (discounts & sales prices, commissions, and loan interests);
- Review concepts related to ratio, proportion, and rate
Measurement |
- Metric system units of measure
- Review the concept of perimeter and how to calculate it- both in questions where all the dimensions are in the same unit of measurement and in questions where the dimensions are in different units of measurement
- Review the concept of area and how to calculate it- both in questions where all the dimensions are in the same unit of measurement and in questions where the dimensions are in different units of measurement
- Calculating the missing dimension of a perimeter, area, and volume measurement questions when given the perimeter, area, or volume and some of the other dimensions
- Introduce the concept of 3-D figures, and the various types of them that exist
- Introduce the concept of surface area, and how to calculate the surface area of 3-dimensional figures using their polyhedron (‘net’ diagrams)
- Review the concept of volume and how to calculate volume of 3-dimensional figures
Geometry & Spatial Sense |
- Classifications of angles, triangles, and quadrilaterals
- The Pythagorean theorem
- Proving congruency: AAA, ASA, SAS, and SSS
- Special angle relationships that exist for angles that are formed by the intersection and/or bisection of the various lines
- Sketching and folding nets
- Concepts of transformational geometry
- Cartesian plane and creating designs by plotting coordinates in all four quadrants of the Cartesian plane
Patterning & Algebra |
- Mathematical relationships in number patterns
- Analyzing number patterns and identify their ‘patterning’ rules
- Creating number patterns
- Main concepts of algebra- variables, algebraic expressions, equations and inequalities
- Solving simple equations and inequalities
- Graphing solutions on a number line
- Introduction to number sets and how to use a Venn Diagram to illustrate them
- Solving 2 or 3 inequalities using and graphing the answer using Venn-Diagrams
- Using a model to solve equations
- Solving equations using 2 different variables, and graphing the solution as a line- with a slope
Data Management & Probability |
- The concepts of data and statistics
- Various types of graphs and what their uses are
- Interpreting graphs
- The concept of probability
- Calculating the probability of an event’s occurrence
- Creating a census
- Predicting an event using a set probability being repeated a certain number of times
- Creating tree diagrams
Problem Solving |
- The rationale for problem solving and the important role it plays in everyday life
- The processes required to solve problems
- The various strategies that can be used to solve problems –depending upon the type of problem you are challenged with